The British Awareness Independent Publicity Band Roster...
British Awareness Independent Publicity, in it's very short history (active since aug. 98), have secured the publicity dealings in Australia for The Dandys, Mover, Velosonic, The Superbs, The Rocking Horses, The Lazybirds, Superhero, and The Psychotic Reaction. We also lend a hand to Shed Seven, The Bluetones and Geneva.
Our success is due to our dedication to the artists and their rights as performers of exceptional music, to be heard all over the world... even Australia! Radio stations all around the nation are picking up on the incredible British talent, and we are preparing for another 'British Invasion'!! Hooray for determination at this point, and we are determined to leave doubt well away. Belief and love is what people need to succeed, and British Awareness has enough of that to go around, and make others realise what we have been carrying on about!!
It is time my friends, to get head strong and fight for our music. Do not sit on your backsides one moment longer. Get involved, and be a part of the new world trend. Start a fanzine, write to radio, tv, press, get them to include that little garage band down the local pub. Music is to be heard, but it wont unless everyone gets involved... what are you waiting for?