Mail Order...
Price list... all prices in Australian dollars
British Awareness Issue One - $5
British Awareness Issue Two - $7
Postage and handling Australia - $.90
Postage and handling rest of world - $1.80
Steps to receive your copy of British Awareness...
1. Write us a quick note with your contact details, and the number of copies you want.
2. Attach that to a cheque (made out to British Awareness) or money order, and mail it to us.
3. For UK residents, you may pay in your local currency via cheque / money order.
The prices are -
British Awareness Issue One - £2.50 (postage included)
British Awareness Issue Two - £3 (postage included)
4. Please do not send cash, as British Awareness can not be responsible for any cash that goes missing through the post.
All orders to be sent to ...
Pleasure doing business with you! And thanks for the support!!